Tag Archives: candle making with kids

Must Make Monday – Candle Crafts

Candlemas, Imbolc, Groundhog’s Day, whatever you call it February 2nd is just around the corner. Traditionally this is a day we make candles at my house.  Although since having kids this tradition has become a bit sporadic, it is still one of my favorites. Its nice to have a supply of handmade candles for gift giving, celebrations, and cozy evenings at home.

There are many different ways to make candles. You can dip, you can mold, you can use yummy beeswax or recycle the paraffin candle nubs from the holiday season, you can even use good old crayons if you want. Candles are easy to make, but can be dangerous. Always be careful around the stove and hot wax. Let the whole family get in on the action or have a candle making party like we do. Be creative and have fun!

Here are a couple of different ideas and tutorials you can try at home. Have a great holiday!

Leah from Homework shares with us her beeswax candle dipping party.

Candle Craft Ideas shows us how to make Soy Candles.

Learn to make pillar candles at Free Craft Idea.

iMake‘s Beeswax Candle Tutorial.

Craftzine shows us how to make candles from scratch.