Spacey – and I’m Not Talking About Kevin

I got PZ a Color Me Rocket for Christmas and we’re thinking its the perfect focal point for the new kids playroom we’re setting up in the basement. Here are some of my favorite inspirational items, possible purchases, and crafty outer space tutorials I discovered whilst researching what to do with this room.

A Blast from the Past’s vintage Man on the Moon album and commemorative booklet of the Apollo 11 landing – Great atmosphere and educational too. Plus the Hubs would like this one so it would be a double hit.

Stories Divinations 1939 Solar System poster – this has major vintage appeal and would be great in the music room or the hallway leading up to the playroom.

Stickytiki’s Space Odyssey 1968 Reusable Decals – absolutely love the comic book feel of these.

Invisible Fountain’s original outer space painting Neal Footstrong – strange and delightful. I like the bright, bold colors and the bebop sensibility.

Cornflake Gurl’s Space Dog print –  really sweet and thought provoking all at the same time.

Fun Room for Kids‘ Outer Space hand painted, reusable wall decal kit – these are so fun and at $40 a LOT simpler than painting.

Martha Stewart’s carboard tube space ship tutorial – these would be fun to have hanging from the ceiling or just on a shelf as display.

Mad in Crafts Laundry Monster tutorial – great for stuffed toy and doll storage especially if mine were more of an alien and less of a monster.

5 Orange Potatoes’ Moon Phases Dream Pillow tutorial – this was on my to do list for Christmas, but I didn’t get to it. Such a lovely idea. Can’t wait to make a few of these to have around the room.

Katie Boyette’s knit rocket pattern from Ravelry – for all my knitters, you know who you are.

molo felt rocks at padstyle –  while I wouldn’t make them exactly like this, I like the idea of having wool felt pillows or strange foam shapes around the room and maybe even on the walls.

munk munk’s felt circle picture found on craftster – I think this is really pretty and would be a fun, easy if time consuming project that PZ could  help me with.

If you’ve done a kid’s space room or have seen/heard/made any good tutorials out there in crafty blog land please let me know. I’ve got practically no budget, but am really looking forward to making the room a place the girls can feel comfortable and have a great time in. The carpet guy is coming tomorrow and I’m still in shock that the room idea is happening. Man, when Hubs finally relents to one of my ideas he doesn’t waste any time! Hooray!!

One response to “Spacey – and I’m Not Talking About Kevin

  1. Thanks for the shout out!

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