To Halloween and Beyond!


Don’t worry. I haven’t lost my mind. I know that Halloween is over, but I have been a little, lets say relaxed about posting my handmade costume pictures. The Halloween sewing was a little easier this year with a unicorn, a turtle, and my husband went as the Fantastic Mr. Fox.

Getting ready to go trick or treating

with wookie friend

swing at the park after Zara's Halloween parade

the shy, I mean majestic, unicorn

wookie and turtle hold hands (friend Yancey made wookie costume)

Some other fun things I’ve been working on the last few week or so are these cute red and turquoise birdy pants, sz 12-24 months.

red corduroy

I’ve also been making more of these fun scoodies (hood with a scarf attached). This bear I did on commission and the apple I did just for fun.


bear hat


apple hat

And something just for me. My moon tattoo!!


my first tattoo!


Its been a good fall so far. Can’t wait to see what November has in store.

cranky turtle

2 responses to “To Halloween and Beyond!

  1. You definitely have a flare with the costumes – I envy you your skillz. Love the scoodies! The bear one looks so cozy. Diggin’ the new ink too – congrats!

  2. emilyflippinmaruna

    thanks Charity!!

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