Happy New Year everyone!

I wanted to take just a moment to jot down my craft goals for 2011.  This will give everyone a good idea of where I and this blog are headed in the new year. If nothing else, perhaps writing these goals down will give me that added push to actually meeting them.

1. I will create more with my kids. I started this blog two years ago now with that as one of my goals and I did pretty well in the beginning. But growing and stretching my own talents/craft knowledge and creating a product quickly got in the way of that goal and I’m sad to say I think my children have suffered some for it. I really want to include my children in this wonderful journey I’m on, learning and trying and creating together even if it means we can only work on something for 5 minutes at a time.

2. I will crochet. But only quick projects done on a big hook, so if you know of any big hook projects or tutorials please, please, please send them this way!

3. I will draw often. And have faith in myself that while my illustrative talents aren’t yet where I’d like them to be, I can get there. I want to start including more illustration into my fabric crafts so I’ll be looking for tutorials and projects where I can try my hand at that.

4. I will focus on the details. I’ve been seriously crafting for two years now. The first year was dedicated to handmaking all my gifts. I have no idea the number of handmade gifts I gave in 2009, but believe me it was a LOT. (feel free to count them in the archives!) And 2010 was all about starting my kids clothing, costume, and accessories label, Sew Flippin Cool. My crafting career has been based solely on producing product. While I extended myself by trying a diverse array of projects from woodworking to doll making to cake baking to quilting, a lot of the little details that make handmade items really personal were left out due to time constraints or the need to move on to the next project. I want to slow down this year and produce less perhaps, but focus more on the small details.

5. I will blog more. 2010 I was a bit lax in my blogging, so I’m starting this year out right. Right?

I hope you will continue to follow me along this crazy handmade experiment that I’m on and best wishes to all of you in the New Year!

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